Wednesday, October 14, 2009

From the Infirmary

Our older daughter has been home sick for the last 4 days. It's just a cold, but now she has an ear infection starting and a fever to go with it, so she'll be home for at least one more day. Her little sister is happy to have her around to play with and they've come up with some pretty elaborate games.

It rained all day yesterday, so along with being stuck at home, the girls were stuck inside. They went out in the yard for a bit this afternoon and when I realized where they were, I went outside to check on them.

They're standing in the sand toy bucket, which has about 3 inches of water in the bottom after the storm. You can't see it, but they are actually wearing boots, so they did think before starting this game. If there's water, my kids will find it and be in it.

The girls did play apart for a while, too. I was doing laundry today, so the baskets were sitting out downstairs. Our little one commandeered one of them to be her "crib" and this is where I found her.

She had a grand time looking at books and playing with little toys while sitting in the basket. Their creativity never ceases to amaze me.

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