Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Birthday

Yesterday was my 39th birthday! I happen to love my birthday and really don't care that it means I'm a year older. It's a good excuse to celebrate, in whatever way happens to be convenient. Now that the kids are a bit older, they look forward to it at least as much as I do, which makes it even more fun. Our older daughter absolutely hounded Mike about getting me birthday presents and was practically jumping out of her skin waiting for me to open them yesterday evening.

I didn't do anything exciting during the day. I spent the morning at the dentist, which most people would see as a horrible way to spend a birthday. It was an hour without kids where I didn't have to do anything but sit there, which is a rare thing in my world. That may be a pathetic way to look at it, but it worked for me! I ran some errands afterwards, spent a bit of time with our little one, and then picked the older two up from school and took them to swimming. Mike came home early and made tacos for all of us for dinner and we had a lovely evening together.

These are the beautiful orchids Mike sent me yesterday. I love orchids, but my track record with them hasn't been great. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep these going for longer because they're really gorgeous and add a lovely touch of color to the house.

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