Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Play Ball!

Today was our son's first baseball game of the season. He's playing Little League for the first time, on a farm team, and really enjoying it. It's been a great learning experience so far and we've already seen a lot of growth in his skills. He and his team mates seem like such a band of goofballs at practice, but at their practice game yesterday and the real game tonight, they played like they'd been doing it forever. I'm not much of a baseball fan, but I have to say, it's pretty fun to watch your kid make a great catch and then throw it where it needs to go or hit a good one when he's up at bat. The other thing we're finding is that by the time the games are over and Mike and our son get home, his sisters are in bed, so it's a really nice chance for the three of us to sit down and have dinner together and chat. That's definitely a gift, considering how busy our days usually are, and it's time that means a lot to me.

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