Friday, June 19, 2009

Reading Time

Each afternoon my kids spend some time doing independent reading. Our son has really gotten into Harry Potter (he is loving Prisoner of Azkaban right now) and our older daughter is finally able to sit down and read on her own for a bit. We still do reading time together in the evenings, but this is their chance to tune out on their own for a bit.

We actually went to the library yesterday. For most people, this wouldn't be worthy of mentioning, but I happen to dislike libraries. The thought of reading a book that has been handled by so many other people, and the smell of those books, makes my stomach turn. But I figured my kids really should understand what a library is and how to find books, so I got the two older ones their own library cards and let them loose on the stacks. Our daughter had a bit of trouble with the concept of just borrowing the books - she didn't understand why you have to give them back - but she was really excited by the news that you're allowed to check out 40 (!) books/videos/CDs at a time. No way that will happen - I am not going to try to keep track of 40 library items in my house! They did get a few books, though - horses and Star Wars were the hot themes this time - and are happily reading them. Hopefully this will give them the chance to read some things they may not have seen before since the book stores only have newer titles. And I'll just have to invest in the industrial-sized bottles of Purell to read with them.

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