Thursday, May 28, 2009

Flip Flops

Our youngest is obsessed with flip flops. I have no idea why, but she has been taking every pair of them she can find and wearing them around the house. Her sister's, which are a bit big, but are pink so that makes them appealing. Her brother's, which are brown camouflage and several sizes too big. Or mine or Mike's, which she can barely keep on her feet. They are all fair game and I find them all over the house.

I figured that she might as well have her own pair, so we headed to Old Navy to find her some. Turned out they were having a sale - 2 pairs for $5 - even better! I found a cute pair of white ones with butterflies and purple straps and she put them on as soon as we got home, took them off long enough to take a shower, and wore them until she went to bed. Best $2.50 I could've spent!

1 comment:

  1. If you ever let her near a pair of Yellow Box you will have created a monster. Just saying. People have needed intervention for those things.

    Thanks for stopping by After the Bubbly - I hope you had fun - and thanks for the admission. My husband and I got a good laugh out of that!
