Saturday, April 25, 2009


Friday was an unexpectedly calm day since a friend of mine offered to take the baby with her for the afternoon so she could play with her daughter (thanks Charmian!). I had time free to get some work done at home and then do my Pilates class without having to bring her along. I even got to go to the post office without a tag-along, which was fantastic! Ah, the things you appreciate when you have kids.

I do Pilates once a week and usually have at least one other person in the class with me. This week, no one else came, so I worked with the instructor by myself. It was a good workout, a real full-body workout, and I'm sore today. The worst spot - the muscles along my sternum. Strange. Pilates has made a huge difference for me in strength, toning, and stability for my back. I love it and highly recommend it, especially if you can work on the reformer with a good instructor.

Friday night was the kids' school gala. There are two fundraising events each year, and the gala is the larger of the two. It's a fancy evening out for the parents, with food, an open bar, and silent and live auctions. Mike stayed home with the kids this year, so I went with a friend whose husband also stayed home. It was a fun evening at a really lovely venue (Silver Creek Valley Country Club in San Jose). I signed the kids up for a few parties and won a laser tag outing for my son and his friend with their teacher. The music was good and people actually danced this year, so it was more of a party than it has been in the past - definitely less stuffy-feeling and more relaxed. All-in-all, it was a fun evening and I'm glad I went.

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