Thursday, April 9, 2009

My First Post

My very first blog post. Hopefully I have something useful to add to the world by doing this, but if not, oh well. I'll start with an introduction and go from there.

I moved to California in 1992, right after college, with my then-boyfriend, now-husband, Mike with grand plans for me to get my master's degree in marine biology and him to get his law degree. He got in and I didn't. So we ended up here, 3 kids later, him working his tail off at a law firm and me holding down the fort - most of the time barely - at home. I now have a degree in biology that I use for driving the kids to school, grocery shopping, driving the kids to swimming, working out, driving the kids to soccer, training the dog, driving the kids to music. You get the idea.

To be honest, I never envisioned my life like this. I swore when I worked as a nanny that I would never have my own kids. I had enough with other people's kids and I certainly didn't need my own. Apparently God got a good laugh out of that one, so He blessed me and my husband with 3 of the greatest kids ever. So now this is my life and I love it. It's crazy, it's busy, it's funny, it's sad, and I wouldn't change it for anything. Okay, maybe for a house on the beach on Maui, but only if I could bring the kids and husband and chaos with me.

1 comment:

  1. Kuddos for you! I'm such a fan of the blogging world! At least a reading fan.
    Happy Blogging!
